Creating Wholesome and Happy

Looking for a Creative Outlet

The creation of Wholesome and Happy has been a long time coming. I have always had a desire for some sort of creative outlet. When I was a teenager and into my adult years I thought about creating a YouTube channel. I wanted to entertain, and also motivate people, but honestly I had no idea where to start. Without too much direction all my dreams never became much of a reality.
While going to college, working at a resaraunt and school kept me plenty busy. In some ways writing papers for school was the creative outlet I needed. I was very busy, maybe even too busy, but for me work was a break from school, and school a break from work. This kept life very balanced. As time went on I, got married, switched then ultimately quit my jobs, and then finished school during my first year of motherhood. Less than a year after graduating I welcomed my second son into the world. Life stayed busy but unlike my time in college I began to feel out of balance.
Becoming a Happy Homemaker
Although I recognized and appreciated the importance of the daily tasks of being a mother and homemaker, I could tell that the mundane daily tasks were starting to drain me. I wasn’t always happy with life. I needed a creative outlet to help me recuperate from the tiresome daily routine, something to bring more happiness into my life.

Being in the kitchen has always been somewhat of an escape for me. One of my favorite shirts says it best: “baking is my therapy.” As life got more wearisome, my endeavors in the kitchen became more diverse. As most people, I often would get inspiration from the internet, but I almost never followed the recipes I found to the tee. In fact more and more often I would look at recipes for inspiration, then using the ideas and ingredients I had on hand, I would make something completely my own. I slowly began to put together a list of original recipes that have become staples in our home. I was happy to see that my attempts to get away in the kitchen had become so productive.
Creating Wholesome and Happy
Being a mother, it always seems every free moment is filled. Before I began creating Wholesome and Happy I noticed that although my time was filled I wasn’t feeling fulfilled. I needed a productive way to use my down time. Something that would not only be restful but also rejuvenating. Something to get excited about. I found a strong desire for a creative outlet growing in me once again. Making a YouTube channel was (and is still is) a dream of mine, but with little experience in filming and video editing, and knowing I had little time to learn these things I decided to try a different route.

I’m not sure when blogging entered my radar. But with an already growing list of recipes, creating a food blog looked like a good direction to go in order to share what I enjoy. I already had friends asking me for the recipes of food that I had shared with them. This caused my confidence to grow. People might actually be interested in what I have to share!
So here I am. I put together a web page and now it is time to start posting. I am both excited and nervous to share the things I do in my kitchen. Cooking is something I have a lot of confidence in, but at the same time the way that I cook is so uniquely me that I am nervous no one will share the same enthusiasm about my recipes that I do. In the end, my goal in the kitchen is that I can create food that is wholesome for my family, and cooking genuinely makes me happy! I hope to be able to share that with others. Click here to read more more about me and the Wholesome and Happy Blog